Tucker Slams Google For Partnering With 'Wholly Discredited Hate Group' SPLC to Censor YouTube

Chris Menahan
Mar. 01, 2018

Tucker Carlson slammed Google on Wednesday for partnering with the "wholly discredited hate group" the Southern Poverty Law Center to censor content on YouTube.

From Fox News:
Tucker Carlson reported that YouTube, through its parent organization Google, is enlisting "trusted flaggers" to delete questionable video content from its platform.

However, he said one group hired by YouTube is the Southern Poverty Law Center, which he said is "not an expert on the South, law, or poverty."

Carlson said the SPLC is a "hate group" masquerading as a group that exposes hate groups.

The Daily Caller broke the news on Tuesday:
The Southern Poverty Law Center is assisting YouTube in policing content on their platform, The Daily Caller has learned.

The left-wing nonprofit — which has more recently come under fire for labeling legitimate conservative organizations as “hate groups” — is one of the more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers” program, a source with knowledge of the arrangement told TheDC.

The SPLC and other program members help police YouTube for extremist content, ranging from so-called hate speech to terrorist recruiting videos.

All of the groups in the program have confidentiality agreements, a spokesperson for Google, YouTube’s parent company, previously told TheDC. A handful of YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers,” including the Anti-Defamation League and No Hate Speech — a European organization focused on combatting intolerance — have gone public with their participation in the program. The vast majority of the groups in the program have remained hidden behind their confidentiality agreements.

The SPLC’s close involvement in policing content on YouTube is likely to cause consternation among conservatives who worry that they may not be treated fairly. The left-wing group has consistently labeled pedestrian conservative organizations as “hate groups” and has been directly tied to violence against conservatives in the past. Floyd Lee Corkins, who opened fire at the Family Research Center in 2012, said he chose the FRC for his act of violence because the SPLC listed them as a “hate group.”
On Wednesday, Bloomberg reported YouTube "mistakenly" purged a host of right-wing channels.

Also on Wednesday, hugely popular live streamer Andy Warski, know for hosting "blood sports" debates where alt-right and alt-left figures (and everyone in between) go at it debating hot topics, got a strike on his channel which banned him from live streaming for 90 days.

As I reported earlier this week, Alex Jones' channel was also hit with a second strike, but YouTube backed off and dropped the second strike after widespread outrage.

The SPLC and the ADL are smear merchants who label anyone to the right of Karl Marx "extremists" in order to shut their free speech down.

They compile giant lists of traditional Christians and conservatives they label as "extremists" for holding traditional values and then crazy leftists like Floyd Lee Corkins use their list to target people for violence.

Undercover video was released last month showing an SPLC speaker claiming "shifting demographics" are the "primary driver" behind what they called an "increase in hate group activity."

The speaker said "white supremacists" "mistakenly believe they can push back against that."

"You can't," the SPLC representative said, "because these are some things that have been planned for a while."

Last year, Apple CEO Tim Cook donated $1 million of Apple shareholder funds to the SPLC and another $1 million to the ADL. Cook also asked iTunes users to pony up cash for the organization, even though the SPLC is sitting on a war chest of over $320 million with millions being held offshore.

George and Amal Clooney donated $1 million to the SPLC last year.

Megabank JP Morgan also donated $1 million the SPLC and the ADL last year.

Fox's James Murdoch donated $1 million to the ADL also last year.

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