Sweden: 55yo Man Fined Over Facebook Post Saying Muslims 'Behind Many Rapes'Chris MenahanInformationLiberation Feb. 07, 2018 |
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A 55-year-old Swedish man was put on trial and fined $1,265 for committing a "crime of opinion" by writing on Facebook that Sunni Muslims "account for a lot of gang crime in Sweden and other violent stuff like rapes," Fria Tider reports. From Sputnik News: During the trial, the man claimed to be a believer in the freedom of speech both in Sweden and on Facebook, the Fria Tider news outlet reported.Of course, if imported foreigners say "all Swedes are racists" or feminists say "all Swedish men are rapists" that's just fine. During the trial, the defendant stated that he believed in the idea that freedom of speech existed in Sweden and on Facebook.They are doing something about it -- they're tracking down and arresting people who oppose it. The man also claimed Muslims account for at least 80 percent of rape and other sexual crimes in Sweden.The liberal order as it stands in the West is a facade entirely dependent on censorship. They can't actually debate crime stats, so they just make it illegal to discuss them. Sweden's "most experienced police investigator," 47-year veteran officer Peter Springare made headlines last year after he hit his breaking point and said migrants are responsible for almost all crime in his country. He was threatened with prosecution but had so much popular support that the state was forced to back down. Follow InformationLiberation on Twitter, Facebook and Gab. |