France: Polls Open As Citizens Decide Whether To Live In A Caliphate

Chris Menahan
Apr. 23, 2017

Today we learn whether the people of France want to live under a Muslim caliphate.

The question at this point is really whether the nation is too far gone and the invading hordes have already taken over.

The most interesting phenomena in this election is how the young overwhelmingly support Le Pen. Otherwise, it's not hard to predict we'll see the working class, native French vote for Le Pen while women and foreigners will vote for the socialist Macron.

From RT:
The French are heading to the ballot boxes to cast their votes in a tight first round of their country's presidential race. Four of the eleven candidates are believed to have a realistic chance of moving into Elysee Palace.

Sunday’s election will determine the top two candidates, who will then proceed to a run-off vote on May 7. Francois Fillon of The Republicans, Emmanuel Macron of En Marche!, Jean-Luc Melenchon of La France Insoumise, and Marine Le Pen of the National Front are viewed as the top four favorites in the race.
Seven others are also vying for the title of president, including Benoit Hamon of the Socialist Party, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan of Debout la France, Nathalie Arthaud of Lutte Ouvriere, Philippe Poutou of the New Anticapitalist Party, Jacques Cheminade of Solidarity and Progress, Jean Lassalle of Resistons!, and Francois Asselineau of the Popular Republican Union.

The French government has mobilized more than 50,000 police and gendarmes to protect 70,000 polling stations amid a high terror alert. An additional 7,000 soldiers are also on patrol. Meanwhile, polls opened on Saturday in France’s overseas territories, allowing citizens to cast their ballots a day ahead of voters on the French mainland.
If Le Pen manages to win both rounds the EU could be done for. Let's hope for the best. If this doesn't succeed the country is probably going to be the first Western nation to fall into a civil war.

What's happening in France should be a warning to the western world. They're literally living through Jean Raspail's 1973 French novel the Camp of the Saints.

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