Taxation: Murder on the Installment Plan

by Lawrence M. Ludlow
Strike The Root
Nov. 02, 2010

Government messages employ lots of slave-speech. For example, we are told that “children are the nation’s most precious resource.” Note the misuse of the possessive. The assumption is that people are the property of the state. In a similar way, we hear about “un-renewable resources.” Usually it’s a substance such as oil. With substances, however, there is a lot of give-and-take. For example, we can manufacture fuels from farm products, so the phrase un-renewable resource may not apply. There is, however, one genuine un-renewable resource that applies to everybody: time. And by that, I mean one’s time as a living creature on this planet. You’ve got only so many years – approximately 78.4 years according to the experts. It gives real meaning to the word finite.

And that brings us to the point of this article: Taxation drastically reduces your one truly un-renewable resource. It takes away your time. And since your life consists only of your time on this planet, taxation takes away your life. In that way, taxation is a form of murder, pure and simple. Of course, we are told by conservatives and liberals and other government-worshippers that taxation is something that we “do to ourselves” and that it is peaceful and civilized. But once you realize how short life is, you also realize that the amount of time you spend working to pay taxes is subtracted from your time on this planet. If you disagree, please continue reading. If you already agree, the rest of this article will give substance to your belief.

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