Shoppers Submit to Naked Body Scans to Enter Candy Store

Prank illustrates how majority of Americans will yield to draconian privacy invasions
Paul Joseph Watson

Oct. 31, 2013

A prank set up by a comedian and a film crew in which shoppers were told that they would have to undergo a full body scan in order to enter a candy store shockingly illustrates how a majority of Americans will willingly submit to draconian invasions of their privacy with barely a thought for the consequences.

The prank, which took place in San Luis Obispo, California, utilized a real mobile body scanner as well as a model who acted as a plant by being scanned repeatedly. A man with a hand wand played the authority figure who assured shoppers that the body scan was necessary for their “security” and to detect weapons.

While the video shows numerous passers-by objecting to the idea of body scanning to enter a candy store, the makers of the short film made it clear that the majority of people stood in line and were perfectly happy to be scanned.

“The goal was to see how far we could take this scanning and if people would let us! To our surprise, most people didn’t put up much of a fight and went along with the person ahead of them in line,” states the blurb accompanying the YouTube video.

It’s important to stress that although this was a prank, the people submitting to the body scan did not know it was a prank, indicating that they would happily go along with naked body scans to enter shops and malls if such a policy was really introduced.

Even after one man is told the device is a naked body scanner and reacts incredulously, he still agrees to submit to the scan before being told it’s a prank.

After the 4 minute mark in the clip, numerous people seem to be shocked by having to undergo a body scan to enter a candy store but line up to submit to the scan anyway.

At the 5 minute mark, a woman refuses to take the body scan, but a young Asian man eagerly volunteers to do so. At the 7 minute mark, a child expresses his desire to be scanned, proclaiming, “do me!”

The comedian behind the prank, Rich Ferguson, acknowledged that the it was “based on a sad reality.”

As we highlighted last year, there is seemingly no end to the shame that many Americans are willing to put themselves through if ordered to do so by an authority figure.

Infowars commissioned a Harris Interactive poll which found that almost one third of American adults would accept a "TSA body cavity search" in order to fly. The survey also indicated that a majority of Americans think it is “reasonable” to make disobeying a TSA official in an airport a criminal offense.
Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for and Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News. Facebook @ FOLLOW Paul Joseph Watson @

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