Another Half-Baked Idea in Nazi York City

by David Kramer, March 19, 2010
Mar. 21, 2010

The Food Fascists are at it again in my neck of the woods. Bake sales, which are used by many public prisons schools to raise money for school clubs and teams, are being banned (for the most part). As usual, it’s being done “for the children”; specifically, for their health. This bundt ban--or, perhaps I should say bund ban--is being enacted in conjunction with limits which are already in place on what foods can be sold in schools’ vending machines and student-run stores. The “benevolent” NYC Nannies have given permission to parent groups and Parent-Teacher Associations to sell as many baked goods as they please, once a month, so long as lunch has ended. (I guess nowadays, even parents need nannies.)

Of course, it makes perfect sense that the government is always concerned about “our” children’s health. After all, the government wants “our” children to grow up big, healthy, and strong--in order to be suckered into fighting and dying in a war for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers to defend our freedoms (like the freedom to be ordered around by Food Nazis).

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