Wordpress Takes Down Fellowship of The Minds

Aug. 15, 2018

As we all knew at the time, the silencing of Infowars was only the beginning. Now WordPress has joined the leftist lynchmob, along with Facebook, Google, Apple, Disqus, and the rest of the Silicon Valley giants who have taken upon themselves responsibility for deciding what we should read. If you try to visit the right-leaning blog Fellowship of the Minds today, you will find a WordPress page announcing that the blog has been "archived or suspended in accordance with our Terms of Service."

The site's author Dr. Eowyn has not yet been banned from Facebook, where he expresses bewilderment over specifically which thought crime got his blog killed. He may never know. As noted previously, under tyrannical systems, it is not specifically what you say that is a crime; it is your dissident attitude that is punished.

It looks like WordPress did the same thing at the same time to Saboteur 365. Some coincidence.

It doesn't matter whether you are a fan of these sites. If your outlook is anywhere right of center, they will get around to your favorite sites in time.

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