Don't mess with Monckton

By James Delingpole
Jul. 13, 2010

Last month, you may remember, George Monbiot and some other libtard journalist I’d never heard of got very excited over a thrilling lecture they’d found on YouTube apparently demolishing climate realism’s greatest showman Christopher Monckton.

As I reported here:
They've been crowing because John Abraham a lecturer in fluid mechanics at a Minnesota Bible college has done an 83-minute  Fisking of a speech Lord Monckton -- or Chrissy Babes, as I prefer to call him -- gave in his city last year. Apparently Monckton is totally wrong about everything and therefore, by association, this demolishes the entire case Evil Climate Change Deniers have against Anthropogenic Global Warming.
Here now is Monckton’s response and it’s a classic: funny, lacerating, forensic, magisterial. (H/T: Watts Up With That, Nick Mabbs) I don’t expect Abraham will be able to rebut many of Monckton’s rebuttals. But if he can’t it’s going to prove very expensive for him. Monckton is currently requesting an out-of-court settlement of $110,000 payable to one of his favourite charities.

If it goes to court, well: I’d feel no more comfortable as Abrahams taking on Monckton than I would if I were George Monbiot taking on Richard North.

When are these Warmists going to learn? In a straight argument on facts they’re ALWAYS going to lose.

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